Hey Legends
Just me again. So we are in the early stages of 2021, 2020 was terrible and we want to make the most out of this year. Being the owner of a gym I hear a myriad of excuses as to why people can't train or their kids can't train etc etc. What I would like you all to do is really think about it next time you say you are too busy or you don't have time etc.
Life if short, we only get one go at it and after the year we had last year we should do everything we can to make sure as a family we get the most out of it. I can tell you one thing for sure, my proudest moment as a father is training with my two sons. It's not easy, but I wouldn't change it for the world.
I am not trying to compare your life to mine, but I want to give you an example of my work week. Most people think the Gym is my Job, it's not haha, It's something I love and hopefully one day it will be my job.
A typical week for me in 7am till 4pm Monday to Friday at my day Job, then I go straight to the Gym and very rarely get home before 8.30pm between Monday & Thursday. Friday is a lot simpler for me only one class after work, then Saturday no day job just the gym from 9am till 12pm. Then I clean the gym which generally takes 2-3hrs. I also need to fit in Dad and Husband time in this haha. It's definitely not easy, I get super tired, but to be honest I wouldn't have it any other way.....unless it was just the gym as my job...I could handle that haha.
I think if you really thought about "Do we have the time to get the kids to training, or do I have the time to make a change in my lifestyle", the answer would be yes. Things don't happen easily and never will, but I think if the scenario was different you would definitely make the time. If someone was offering you weight loss for free with no exertion needed, or fitness for free without you having to do anything apart from drink a coffee or a beer while chilling...you'd be there hahaha.
If you really mapped out your week, to see where your time is at, I'm sure you could fit time in for everything within reason.
Anyway, everyone's situation is different and I don't want anyone to feel targeted here haha, but I will say this Jiu Jitsu is a rare art that allows you to train with your son, daughter, wife etc.
On a completely different subject, next month we will be holding our first ever Fitness competition. It runs for the Month of Feb and is open to all, so If you want to be a apart of it please inbox us for more information.
Thank you for your time, hope you enjoyed this blog and hopefully we will see you on the mats soon.
Cheers Luke